miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2011

Autonomous Learning

It would be great to have a computing lab in each institution that an English teacher works, however this is just an utopia because the real economical situation of many countries is bad, that is why teachers must prepare for different situations, in my country (Ecuador) teachers generally work with their own laptops and with a projector, this makes easier the teaching-learning process and helps the students to be motivated when they attend classes.

In spite of the economical situation, there are autonomous learners who have a wide knowledge about technology and about different subjects by themselves, and this happens not only nowadays, we can take as a real example to “Benito Juárez” (the Mexican president in 1850s)as an example of determination and effort despite his poverty.

Actually there are a lot of learners who prepare by their own and teachers must use this to involve them in programs of scholarships or in other programs that will benefit not only the student but his/her family and of course his/her country, don´t you believe it?



6 comentarios:

  1. A comment on Maggi´s post

    It appears that all nations in the world are facing economic problems; this may be viewed as a result of so many reasons that for us would be difficult to comment. Nonetheless, having a computer lab at our disposal would be all English teachers’ dreams. But reality appears to give us an opportunity for defying new challenges.

    In this context, I agree with you in the sense that bringing technology to places lacking electricity would also be a utopian wish. However, from my own perspective, I may say that most Ecuadorians are blessed to enjoying some commodities as owing a laptop for multipurpose. Bringing a portable computer to the classroom can benefit a lot. Therefore our students can have better chances for working autonomously and that they are intrinsically self-motivated to learn the target language.

    I like your sentence containing the words “determination” and “effort” by which is possible to attain one’s purpose for the sake of our learners and that of our own.


  2. Dear Holguer,

    Thanks for your wise comments, as always you say the right words and thoughts and I strongly agree with everything you post.


  3. Hello, Maggie.

    What you wrote here made me think what is important for education. You said there are a lot of autonomous learners despite the limited learning environment. That means, with or without technology, learners can be autonomous.

    These days, in Japanese school settings, it is not so easy to motivate students. According to the PISA result 2009, Japanese students’ motivation to learn is not high compared to that of other countries. That is because the economic situation of our country has given an influence on young people and they have begun to think that academic success doesn’t directly lead to getting a good job any longer.

    However, what is the most important in education is to give students enjoyment of learning and we teachers must keep that in mind. I really feel that I have to elaborate a way to do so and the use of technology can help.

    Thank you again for your great post.


  4. Hi Maggie.

    I completely agree with you. We have the same issues in our universities in Ecuador. We must support our students, specially the ones who show autonomy in learnig. I believe too that we must find a way to support them in scolarships, courses, etc.

  5. Dear Makiko,

    I am reallly surprised about what you say "the economical situation of your country?" I did not know that, so I think this is a world problem, but the most important think is that we as teachers are doing something to find the solutions thanks to the training courses that we are attending.

    I really appreciate your words and I strongly agree with you.

    Thanks for posting in my blog.



  6. Dear Galo,

    I agree with you and I think we must be in contact with SENESCYT, did you know that it is giving scholarships to english teachers? please find out more information and apply for it, I had the opportunity to be granted with a scholarship to Australia this month, what do you think? it is great, isn´t it?

    You have to go there and ask for more information but if you want to know something else, please mail me.


