viernes, 26 de agosto de 2011

Week 10: The end!

“You teach best what you most need to learn”- Richard David Bach

Technology is going on huge steps, teachers are digital immigrants and students are digital natives, these are the 3 main reasons for which we as teachers should learn about tech in order to be at the same level of our learners (at least).

If so, there are many options but I think that the biggest one is attending to  online courses due to the time that is not enough for teachers who have to teach, to prepare plans, to review tasks and so on.

What I have learned is a lot about technology enhanced to the teaching process, I learned for example how to create my own blog and now I can work in it with ability, how to work in Nicenet (Internet Classroom Assistant) and how to post in it, I also learned how to write the general and specific learning objectives based in the ABCD method A (audience), B (behavior), C (Condition) and D (Degree). I also got that there are a lot of web pages to investigate something and not only the google page but the noodle tools that present many different options of webs, also I created my own account in a page on which we can bookmark and interact with people around the world. Also I learned about listening and reading activities to be done in class with the students. The reading and writing activities were developed in order to obtain experience in the development of these skills, also I learned how to elaborate a lesson plan; this was very useful for me especially because I used this new plan in order to participate in an academic contest in the place in which I work, of course that with this plan I got the first place.

I have also learned about how to work in the Web Quest a page on which there is a model to do lesson plans and also to find more information about different educative projects useful for both teachers and students, another important web is rubistar, on which we can create our own rubric of evaluation needed for all of teachers around the world and where you can use the models to create rubrics; I also learned about different strategies to work with large and small classes using technology, since that it exists CCS (classroom communicative system) a technique to work with technology in the class because it makes students feel more comfortable than in a traditional class making us interactive teachers.

I read a lot about autonomous learning and how autonomous learners do their best when they are studying giving the teachers the opportunity to develop the science in an easy way, also I learned about ANVILL (A National Virtual Language Lab) and the developing or oral and written skills in the teaching learning process.

I finished my final project that took place since the beginning of this online course; it was a very hard task however with the guidance of our tutor Donna it turned easier. To develop a project of such dimension involved creativity, responsibility, and effort from all of us.  Other good point was the co evaluation because we created a friendship relation with our partners and they evaluated our project with honesty and professionalism.

Arriving to the end of this webskills course I learned about the learning styles, the multiple intelligences created by Howard Gardner and how teachers should use this in order to improve the quality of education of the students, even though this is a topic widely analyzed; now we know that it requires continuous study.

More than all, I learned to express my opinions in a written way, I learned that everybody respects other opinions, I learned that there is no problem if you have mistakes while you are expressing your thoughts sincerely, in other words I learned to learn.  Of course I will not be an expert but as Nicholas Murray says: “An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less” now I know that I learned to study more and more.

 “Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself”
--Chinese Proverb.


7 comentarios:

  1. Dear Maggie,

    Blogging has also improved my written expression, thanks to this course!


  2. Hi Maggie,

    “Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself”

    I like this proverb very much. it really reflects us and the students. no matter how hard we teach them at the end it will depend on the students' efforts, but we as teacher has a role to keep their faith in pursuing their future right?

    Best regaards,

  3. Dear Maggie,

    How wonderful to hear that you learned so much. It puts a big smile on my face! I love the quote you included in your post, and the proverb is perfect for this course, isn't it? I will miss you!


  4. Hi Maggie,

    I have created a Facebook group for the participants of this course. Please join to stay in touch.


  5. Dear Akifa,

    Thanks for your invitation, of course that I will do in order to be in contact and share our experiences.

    Warm greetings,


  6. Dear Meita,

    I strongly agree with you and I hope to see you in the facebook that Akifa invited us.



  7. Dear Donna,

    I will also miss you because you were an excellent teacher and if I say that I learned a lot it is just for you, for your experience, for your patience, for your knowledge and for all of you.

    I hope to be in touch with you whether I attend to an online course or not.

    Wish you all the best;

    Your friend from Ecuador,

